© Yana L. Freeman 1995 - 2024 All Rights Reserved
Yana Freeman CCHT, QHHT
Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditation for Healing & More!
Giving children the keys to a healthy future, the gift of healing!
When you or your child is attending church, school or any event where there is a speaker and you are setting and listening, you are in a state of Hypnosis. Even watching TV or playing a computer game is a state of Hypnosis and many of those programs can do a lot of damage. Children are being programmed every hour they sit and watch TV and play computer games. Notice how they suck you in! The mind is being programmed in this sense. Everything you and your child see, hear and experience since in the womb before birth and afterwards is recorded in the files of the mind. Every-thing!! Many of these programmed files stored in the mind cause us all kinds of problem growing up and well into adulthood.
The Clinical Hypnotherapy used in these sessions to help your child are not programming anything. There is a very intelligent being inside all of us, no exceptions. Your Subconscious knows everything and it also knows what created any problems you or your child experience and how to release them with ease.
How can Hypnosis help me or my child?
You may not or do not have to believe in past lives, but many children remember past lives and tell you stories that you credit to a vivid imagination. Its way beyond that as all children are still connected to the world of their Soul and they see and know things you have forgotten. As we age these memories are suppressed and the programming of parents and society’s brainwashing takes control. The mind then becomes a storehouse of beliefs and programs handed down that are not even our own! Children have God-given abilities and knowledge way beyond what adults can imagine unless those memories are validated by our parents and nurtured. They see their Spirit Guides and Angels and deceased loved ones! They see those boogies men under the bed, in the closet and you are not aware of what can be influencing your child. Want some proof? Put a video camera in your child's room and you will get it! You may see orbs of light or actual figures in the room, but if you see dark energy of dark forms please contact me ASAP!! You want to protect your child do you not? So please heed the warning if your child says there is something that scares them in their room. THEY ARE NOT MAKING IT UP! There is a good side and a not so good side that wants the power your child has! I want you to see this video my Daughter captured with her Zmodo outdoor camera in broad daylight! She knew there was a dark spirit in her home or under the house and called me to help her get rid of it. She has abilities and ca see and hear our loved ones and those who are trouble makers. Watch this short video and know its not made up or altered in any way. It is very real! We made him flee the premises! >A Dark Spirit On The Run!
Most parents just brush it off or think its made up or have the child evaluated for mental disorders. Then what happens? Drugs are introduced to your children that alter them for life!! They suppress their Divine Connection and all is lost just as you do not remember anything. The veil is drawn down and earth programming rules our entire life. Please stop allowing this to be done to your children. Help them remember why their SOUL chose you as its parents and why they are here on earth. Give them their life path back and help that Soul to advance to higher levels!!
This approach uses the relaxed state to explore possible unconscious factors that may be related to a psychological conflict such as a traumatic past event that a child has hidden in his or her unconscious memory. Once the trauma is revealed, it can be addressed in Hypnotherapy and released. The end result is letting go of whatever the cause and healing it.
As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have worked with many children since 1995 the youngest was age seven, being exceptionally mature for her age. Children in are particularly receptive and responsive to hypnosis and don’t come with all the life baggage adults have accumulated. It is a safe and highly effective way to overcome anxiety, stress, depression, separation anxiety, phobias, fears, sleep disorders, illness, disease and behavior issues and disorders, even preparation for surgery and much more!
How Hypnosis changed his life
An example of a young man I worked with was having learning issues throughout school. When we regressed back to the root cause of his issue the subconscious mind showed him that in the second grade he had returned to school after getting his new eye glasses. His best friend made a simple statement to him, “you look stupid”. The subconscious is like a computer, it records everything and doesn’t take anything it sees, hears or experience as a joke. It takes it as truth!
From that day in the second grade the young man had learning problems and it continued into high school. His Mother told me she knew how old he was when the change in him occurred, he was in the second grade. He left for school that day one smart young made, but returned home later that day as a child she didn’t know when it came to learning. Up until that day he was very intelligent and had no problems.
In his session his subconscious was able to realize that wearing glasses didn’t make him any less intelligent and he was able to tell his friend that what he said hurt his feelings and he was able to forgive him. In a sense it changed his past for him to move forward. His subconscious also told us of an allergy he had to a spice his Mom was using that was causing a health issue. There are no limits to what can be discovered or uncovered in one relaxing session.
Do your child and yourself a favor and contact me today to sit down and discuss it with me. They have much to gain in one session and it can change their life and yours for the better.
Always for their highest good, healing and in their best interest.
Please give your children the best life and don’t wait until they’re grown to help them overcome limitations that the mind stored a false belief over silly things kids say that hurts and does cause life long issues.
Uncovering the root cause and releasing it!
Do you want the best life for your children? Are you desperate enough to step out of traditional methods to help your child? There are many alternative modalities nowadays to insure well being that do not include pharmaceuticals that can and do cause more harm than good. The long term effect of most all medications insure a lifetime of dependence and alter children’s abilities. Why allow your children suffer when there is a simple, relaxing technique to help them overcome things in their lives that cause problems for the rest of their lives?
About Hypnosis For Children & Adolescents
Simple and effective!
Ages 10 & up