© Yana L. Freeman  1995 - 2024   All Rights Reserved

Yana Freeman CCHT, QHHT


Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditation for Healing & More!



 If you’ve been diagnosed or suffer with any of the above or any illness, disease or disorder, as you can see there is nothing is too big or too small for your Inner Healer to deal with. Its obvious you are ready to let go of it and allow it to leave your body or mind or you would not be here today reading this! Your higher self is guiding you so are you going to allow it the gift(s) it has for you or keep ignoring it?  

 Your Inner Healer led you to this information and my site because we are meant to work together. Its knows what you’re ready for in every moment and is trying to tell you, “now is the time”. It will help you and heal what is needed or tell you what the lesson is which makes it much easier to release. Remember it knows... EVERYTHING!  It will even find things you may not be aware of... and heal it before it can ever cause a problem, before it ever turns into cancer or something else. It sees everything in the body and repairs it without medicine or surgery!  

 STOP avoiding and putting it off, before its too late. Use simple relaxation and contact your inner healer now!

Make the appointment . Apparently..... you are ready!

QHHT Client Session Results


  What healing is possible in a Hypnotherapy Session?

 Below are some of the most dramatic results clients have experienced with QHHT, Dolores Cannon’s Technique and in all Spiritual & Healing Hypnotherapy Sessions. The list is never ending! Once Doctor reports and Lab test prove their session was a success the results are then added to the list of healing’s. As a Hypnosis Practitioner’s and Hypnotherapist, we witness amazing transformations with clients. NOTE: Not all Practitioner’s are Certified Hypnotherapist, but they don’t train you for this kind of work. This work comes through other studies and being led when you chose to be of service to God Source to help others. We were each led into this. The simple method of relaxing proves itself to be effective for thousands of people regardless of gender, age, religious/cultural backgrounds or your belief’s! Your Inner Healer is what performs the healing when it’s appropriate... and if you’re ready in that moment.  Note: (I work with ages 10 years and up0

  Many surgeries have been canceled after Doctor’s see the problem no longer  exists and many are able to stop taking Medications. Of course, there are no guarantees as the final decision is made by the Inner Healer & you! Amazing as it may seem, many of these clients experienced immediate results in one session. Miracles happen everyday in our work!!

 ASK YOURSELF............ IS IT WORTH IT? What would it cost you if you were healed? Where will you be in one year if you don’t do this right now?  What purpose are you here to serve? All things are possible if you allow yourself the experience.



What is a Surrogate Session?

  If a person is not able to physically attend the session anyone who is close to them, a friend or family member can have the session as a surrogate, but... You MUST HAVE THEIR PERMISSION or the Inner Healer will not assist us in healing anything or answering any questions for them. You must provide a list of questions they themselves want answers to or what you would wish to ask on their behalf, including asking for healing.You must have their permission to ask for their healing also. Some people do not want to heal and you cannot make them, nor can I.  

Understand that some people do not want to heal.  They like being able to depend on others, they’re afraid to heal and some simply like the attention they get being sick. In this case, not even the Inner Healer can change that. It must be their choice to heal as each Soul has Free Will. The Inner Healer will never interfere with our free will choice.  


QHHT Client Session Results