© Yana L. Freeman  1995 - 2024   All Rights Reserved

Yana Freeman CCHT, QHHT


Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditation for Healing & More!



A bit of history about who you are, why you are here and

how hypnosis help you find your life path and purpose and/or heal

any physical illness/dis-ease you many be experiencing...

   In reality we are all an eternal soul experiencing the temporary human condition.. As a Soul, many of us incarnated to earth numerous times as we got caught up on the wheel of karma (do unto others). Its now time to get off of that wheel and become who we came here to be!  

 Our Soul incarnates to learn lessons and progress upward to higher levels, as Heaven has many levels. We come to Earth to experience and learn, but we also came with a specific purpose, a mission to serve a higher purpose in the grand plan of the Creator/God/Source. We come to learn lessons that we have not learned in previous incarnations or we may be here to share the Light within us, to help raise the vibration of the planet and humanity.  As a Soul, it is required we must forget who we are, the abilities and the power we have and why we are here. The reason is we have to learn the lessons and we had to fit in. Now its time to remember!!

 Before we incarnated we met with our Council and set up everything we need to learn. We chose our family and all the people we would come in contact with for the entire lifetime and all the appropriate circumstances to learn, teach and/or accomplish what we need to during this lifetime. We each signed a Sacred Contract! We also set and entry date and an exit date with specific details for our entire lifetime to help us remember who we are. Everything happens for a reason!

  As children we still had our divine connection, but for most of us that was quickly replaced with our parents and society’s belief’s, rules and regulations. We began to experience a a very dense energy planet ruled by emotions and ego mind which can lead to illness, dis-ease, disorders, and total imbalance of our once perfect energies. Since birth and even in the womb, our minds have recorded every single detail. Not all of these embedded programs serve us on our life path. All of the buried or repressed emotions have created blocks in our body and on our life journey. We are a product of our environment, but that is not who we are!! This is not how it was intended to be!!    

 Once our subconscious understands those old programs no longer serve us, it is willing to replace them with the positive, loving programs intended for us. Once the old programs are realized and released we experience health and well being and life in no longer a struggle.

  Look around, do you honestly think a loving God/Creator/Source would have us live this hell on earth with all the poverty, dis-ease and destruction? No! We as humans through many lifetimes have created our own hell on earth.  In Hypnosis sessions it is possible to meet and connect with your Higher Self that remembers all the reasons you came here and the purpose you came to serve. This part of you also knows what created any imbalance you experience and how to heal it. It remembers everything from the birth of your Soul Essence, the past, the present, the future and everything there is to know about you and so much more!

 You have a purpose and there is a reason you are here on Earth now, as this is a very important time to be alive! You came with a mission to fulfill.

 It is that simple! Hypnosis is a simple relaxation tool that enables you to speak to that Divine part of yourself who knows what to do and how to do it. Without getting to the root cause and releasing it and finding out what your Higher Self wants you to know you may end up wasting the very life you came here this time to get it right, to transition to a higher level when you return to the Soul Essence of your true being. Then what? Do you want to repeat another lifetime where it takes you many years of more intense life lessons only to come to this point....  again?

  How many lifetimes do you wish to repeat? How hard must things get before you let go of control and go the Source that has all the answers and is waiting to share them with you?

Still undecided? Search out QHHT on You Tube and listen to sessions by other practitioners.  

Step up on to your path and fulfill your purpose for being here!



  Its time to remember who you are and why you are here!

Reclaim your Divinity, you power, your purpose, your health, clarity of mind, your right to fulfill your mission in this lifetime!! Or do you wish to just keep doing it over and over, again and again? It is your choice! Or you can.....

Be who you came here to be!

The time is now!!

Are you ready?  

Go to :  How To Prepare For A Session



  Understand that In hypnosis you are never asleep and highly aware of everything around you. If you think you’re not hypnotized it is usually because you have expectations of what hypnosis feels like (sleep). It is simply concentrated relaxation. At no time are you out of control and no one can make you do anything!! Just let go of fear or any expectations and go with the flow is all you have to do.

  Your are highly aware of what is happening and remember most if not all of your session.

   You will receive an audio or video recording to listen to later. This helps you to gain the wisdom and insights and is part of the healing and just as important as experiencing it.

“Hypnosis Sessions for Adults”

NOTE:  For Children’s Session’s click picture>