© Yana L. Freeman  1995 - 2024   All Rights Reserved

Yana Freeman CCHT, QHHT


Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditation for Healing & More!



Mental Wellness & Disease

Ages 8 to adult

(I do not work with severe mental illness)

Please read through the information below before calling to set an appointment


Children’s Mental Illness


  I started working with mental illness in adults and children in late 1999. Parents searching for help and as a last resort wondered if Hypnosis would help them and/or their child. So many  adults, kids and teens that had simple underlying issues that caused a huge amount of anger, anxiety, fear, stress and more. It makes life much harder not knowing what is going on and why, but there are answers and sad to say, most in the medical community have no clue as how to help except prescribe medications. There are no test to show them unless its a disorder that would show up in blood, urine or x-rays, MRI’s and such. What about what they cannot see and cannot explain? Even the best Psychiatrist and Physiologist have not a clue unless they do Hypnotherapy and have further training of how to access  the inner root cause and what to do in detail to release it.  

Imagine just one relaxing session for a lifetime of positive change. Yes, additional session may be required as children age and they must learn how to use the new tools given in a session.

Uncovering the root cause and releasing it!

     Are you desperate enough to step out of traditional methods to help your child? Can you open your mind to causes and things you never imagined if it helps them and you in your daily life? Are you ready for the answers and the solutions?  Do you want you or your children to live a life dependant on pharmaceuticals that cause them more harm than they do good?

  There are many alternative modalities nowadays to insure well being that do not include medications that can and do cause more problems. Behavior is a big red flag that something is out of sorts. Long term effects of most all medications insure a lifetime of dependence and alter children’s behavior, not to mention their God-given gifts and abilities. Why allow your children suffer when there is a simple, relaxing technique to help them overcome things in their lives that can and will cause more serious problems later in life? This Healing is permanent and enables kids and adults alike to live a fulfilled life!  

  Here’s something else you need to understand. Subliminal messages are very real and we are all susceptible to them all with all the new technology on TV, Cell Phones, Computers, etc! Do you know how to protect yourself and your devices from all this? I do and its simple!

FACT: Pediatric Hypnosis is highly effective in treating a wide range of issues, from psychological thought patterns to physical behaviors. A few examples are: adoption issues, hearing voices, seeing monsters in their room, nightmares, bed wetting (enuresis) family issues, including parental divorce and separation, anger, anxiety, stress, depression, shyness, and much more!

Cancer & Other Disease


  Hypnosis helps anyone with illness, disease and disorders, unless they’re born with it, that is a Soul choice. To get those answers you, the parent can have a surrogate Session with your Child’s Higher Self and it will explain this to you for your understanding.  Example: Cancer, there is anger or some other emotional issue connected to it. The location in the body carries with it other issues. It can stem from inside the womb if the mother had emotional issues during pregnancy. There are many reason this appears in the body of children, but if they weren’t born with it straight from the womb, there is a cause that can be identified, released and healed if the subconscious says its time.

There may also be other issues and reasons this Soul has for this and we can discover those also.The re are answer and possibly healing either way. There is safe and effective help for children just as there is for adults with illness, disease and disorders.

Just call please! You have nothing to loose and everything to gain in these sessions and affordable. No insurance does not cover these services. I will work with you so please call or email for an appointment. Free Consultation.

Are you ready to get down and dirty to get answers and results?

Open your mind because I’m about to bend it like a pretzel!!

If what you are about to learn here helps your child is it worth your time?  

   First thing is you must open your mind to what if this is true? I as well as many know its true and I will prove it to you. When you or your child is attending church, school or any event where there is a speaker and you are setting and listening, you are in a state of Hypnosis. Even watching TV or playing a computer game is a state of Hypnosis and many of those programs do a lot of damage! Children are being programmed every hour they sit and watch TV and play computer games. Notice how they suck you in! The mind is being programmed in this sense.  Everything you and your child see, hear and experience since in the womb before birth and afterwards is recorded in the files of the mind. Every-thing!! Many of these programmed files stored in the mind cause us all kinds of problem growing up and well into adulthood.

The Clinical Hypnotherapy in these sessions in no way programs the mind. In fact it can remove harmful negative programming for clarity. Within all of us there is a very wise and intelligent being most call the subconscious. Our Subconscious knows everything and it also knows what created any problems you or your child experience and how to release them with ease. And then there are other factors...

You may not believe in past lives, but think about this. Do you really think an eternal Soul comes into being once and that’s it? No, we live many lifetimes for the experiences and growth of our Souls. Just as a child develops we as Soul’s do also. You do not start out as a grown Soul. You progress through stage. Many children remember past lives and tell you stories that you credit to a vivid imagination. They see and experience things you discount as imagination, but its not their imagination! It is very real and it causes them many problems you are not aware of. Children are still very connected to the world they cane from, Spirit/Soul. They know what you have forgotten and are afraid of, but they do not know what to do with it. They see their Angels, their Guides and things that frighten them to the core!!

As we age these memories are repressed and the programming of parents and society’s brainwashing takes control. The mind then becomes a storehouse of beliefs and programs handed down through generations that are not even our own! Children have God-given abilities and knowledge way beyond what adults can imagine unless those memories are validated by our parents and nurtured. They see their Spirit Guides and Angels and deceased loved ones!

I warned you so grab on to your seat and continue...

 There’s more.... Remember the monsters and bogeyman under the bed, in the closet? They are not imagining these things and these entities you have forgotten and no longer see can and are affecting Want some proof? Put a video camera in your child's room and you will get it! You may see orbs of light or actual figures in the room, but if you see dark energy of dark forms please contact me ASAP!! You want to protect your child do you not? So please heed the warning if your child says there is something that scares them in their room. THEY ARE NOT MAKING IT UP! There is a good side and a not so good side that wants the power your child has!

 Most parents just brush this off or think its made up or have the child evaluated for mental disorders. Then what happens? Drugs are introduced to your children that alter them for life!! They suppress their Divine Connection and all is lost,  just as you lost your connection. The veil is drawn down and earth programming rules our entire life. Please stop allowing this to be done to your children. Help them remember why their SOUL chose you as its parents and why they are here on earth. Give them their life path back and help that Soul to advance to higher levels!!

They do not have mental disorders it is energy, entity attachments and we can prove this in our sessions and speak to these entities to get their story. In children we may not get the full story, but we can release them back into the light of God where they need to go. This approach uses the relaxed state to explore possible unconscious factors that may be related to a psychological conflict such as a traumatic past event that a child has hidden in his or her unconscious memory. Once the trauma is revealed, it can be addressed in Hypnotherapy and released. The end result is letting go of whatever the cause and healing it.

 As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have worked with many children since 1999 the youngest was age seven, being exceptionally mature for her age. Children are particularly receptive and responsive to hypnosis and don’t come with all the life baggage adults have accumulated. It is a safe and highly effective way to overcome anxiety, stress, depression, separation anxiety, phobias, fears, sleep disorders, illness, disease and behavior issues and disorders, even preparation for surgery and much more!

Got your attention yet?

Ready for some proof?

Open your mind to things you do not see, but are very real?

   Listen to this session I conducted on February 5, 2024 with a 13 year old male that the family was ready to find a permanent facility to put him in. There was a visibly and noticeable change in this child immediately after his session. His Mother reports each day he is improving. Now he is doing exceptionally well in school, at home and sleeping much better. The difference in this child was well worth the $100 they donated for his session. I work affordably to help everyone! I accept cash donation of $49 to $222 [pay what you can honestly afford] No refunds and no, you won’t keep returning for many sessions. You can always come back if another issues arises or another level not worked on in your first session or thereafter.. Your child will have the tools needed for mental wellness and a quality of life...... And so will you!!!


Not convinced Yet?

  Then I have nothing to offer you or your child and you can continue on the way you have. If life is good for you then you wouldn’t be searching for help would you? You heard in my session above with the young man how I released things he or his parents were not aware of and how simple it can be. Dark entities know that I know who I am and I’m not afraid of them. I am fully aware of the power I have over them! Jesus works with me in all my sessions and I have no fear of these entities! Fear only feeds them, but I assist them too. They simply forgot who they are and where they come from. We all are welcome in God’s house.